Kickstarting Clicker Training: A Simple Guide for Bird Dogs

Training your bird dog can be a rewarding task for both the dog and the owner, and one effective method of training is clicker training. This method leverages the principles of operant conditioning, using a unique sound, such as a ‘click,’ to signal that the dog has done something right. This article will delve into the basics of clicker training, how to prepare your bird dog for clicker training, and implementing and evaluating the training techniques.

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The Art of Dog Work

The original plan was never for us to hunt him. At the time, I did not even know how to hunt but the day we picked up Benny, our one-year-old German Shorthair Pointer, from training and he delivered a bird that had just been shot over him to my hand something in me changed. I had never seen him so happy or seen anything flow as naturally and instinctually as the performance he had just given. I wanted to learn how to train and handle him so we could do it together. 

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Key Nutrients That Support Healthy Muscles in Sporting Dogs

When it comes to optimizing performance, professional athletes know the importance of healthy muscles. The same applies to our canine athletes. Whether your sporting dog is a hardcore waterfowler or a big-running bird dog, maintaining healthy, lean muscle will help ensure years of performance.

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Final Preseason Training Tips from the Pros

It won’t be long before field training, conditioning and obedience work give way to the true satisfaction of being back in the woods and fields enjoying the hunt with our canine companions. Here are a few final steps that some Eukanuba™ pro trainers take to get their dogs ready for the season opener.

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