The Confessions of a Target Geek

5-Stand ScoreSheet7-1Mike McGuire’s “Aim High, Shoot Straight!™” score sheet for 5-Stand featuring the “SHOTGUN WEATHER BAR™”. 

Through the fall of 2011 and into early 2012, I worked on designing 17 different score sheets including four training score sheets. With the help of my son, I designed and trademarked  the “SHOTGUN WEATHER BAR™” to detail Humidity %, Barometric Pressure, Temperature in F, Winds (mph), Wind Direction, Weather  Conditions: (Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain and High Winds), Visibility: (Clear, Haze, Fog or Other) and finished with Elevation in feet and Latitude/Longitude location. All the weather information is available with a quick click on one or more of the popular weather apps on one’s smart phone or by using a pocket weather meter.

Additional space is left for REMARKS on the score sheets to again assist in helping one to improve their shooting ability by making notes and comments about the round they just finished.  REMARKS could be about the type of ammunition used, or trying out new chokes, what adjustments might have been made to the comb or stock, which color of lens one used in their shooting glasses or weather comments. I suggest saving your score sheets in a three-ring binder for future re-evaluation as your shooting ability changes over time. Now you have some real valuable information to help one improve their scores in the future.

The website address for each shooting organization like the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) or the NSSA-NSCA Organization is on the score sheet for their particular sport. This feature alone allows one to check a rule question almost immediately if one should arise.  The slogan SAFETY FIRST – AND ALWAYS! is printed on each and every score sheet with 15 essential safety tips on the back.  Shooting Shotgun Sports, LLC is proud to say that all score sheets are “Printed in America.”

Quick Response QR Codes are now available and will become more prominent in the future as gun companies, ammunition, choke tube manufacturers, clothing companies and the like want to have their own private label brand score sheets for promotional purposes. Or better yet to link to their website or a video to demonstrate a new product. Score sheets will never be the same!


SportingClays ScoreSheet aFThe front of the “Aim High, Shoot Straight!™” score sheet.

SportingClays ScoreSheet FIThe back of the “Aim High, Shoot Straight!™” score sheet.



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