Hunters! Clay Target Shooters! All sportsmen who love shotguns! Now, for a limitedtime, Legacy Sports International is offering the Verona 401 semi-auto shotgun with a$100.00 rebate directly – and instantly –from Davidson’s Gallery of Guns. This means nomailing a rebate coupon to a manufacturer and waiting weeks to get your money back!
And there’s more! Each consumer ordering a Verona 401 during the Special period willbe entered into a drawing to win a waterfowl hunting trip in January 2010 with membersof Team Maniac from the Fowl Life television show.
Verona shotguns are being reintroduced to the shooting marketplace this year by LegacySports International. Many consumers and dealers alike will remember the Verona for it’sgreat line of Over/Unders brought in by PMC. Legacy Sports is not only bringing backthese guns, but they are significantly expanding the line.
In addition to the popular over/under lineup, Legacy Sports is also bringing in a family of Side by Sides, an Over/Under combo with a two barrel upland bird barrel set, and the 401line of inertia driven semi-automatics that have been field tested and endorsed by the castof the new television show, The Fowl Life. The Fowl Life airs on The SportsmanChannel, Pursuit Channel, ICTV and in Canada, Wild TV. Verona 401 semi-autos arefeatured on this show in all duck and goose hunting segments.
Shotgun Life, the first online magazine dedicated to the best in wing and clays shooting,also featured an in-depth story about the new Veronas. You can see the story at
All Veronas are Italian-made and are premium quality shotguns. The new inertia driven401 semi-autos are a product of F.lli Pietta, well known for their quality reproductionguns of the Old West. The 501 and 702 Series of Over/Unders are again beingmanufactured by F.A.I.R. while the 662 Side by Side series and the two barrel O/Ucombo are made by Fausti. All are available through Davidson’s Gallery of Guns, or adealer near you.
Further information about these shotguns – and this offer – can be seen in SportingClassics magazine, On Target magazine and on as well as on and
For more details, contact Legacy Sports International at 775-828-0555 or e-mail

Irwin Greenstein is Publisher of Shotgun Life. Please send your comments to