Angling Promotions – Pick Up Spent Cartridges

“It won’t cost a cent to pick up your spent”

Angling Promotions

Darren Jacobson, Angling Promotions, is kicking off his conservation awareness program. “After many years of waterfowl hunting on my home waters of Northern Wisconsin-Green Bay I wanted to create an initiative to remind everyone to take the time and pick up your spent cartridges.”

“It’s important to be good stewards of our outdoor resources. Take the time to reach down and pick up your spent cartridge, it’s the least we can do.”

If you or your organization are interested in helping spread this conservation message please contact: Darren Jacobson at

Angling Promotions is a marketing and professional photography company focused on the Marine, Fishing and Shooting Sports industries. Darren is also the Senior Mid-West Sales Director for Legacy Sports International.



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