As more outdoor enthusiasts head out to enjoy summer activities with their dogs, Eukanuba™ aims to help owners recognize the signs of exertional heat related illness in active dogs and safeguard against it.

ST. CHARLES, MO – EUKANUBA™, a premium dog food brand specializing in high-performance nutrition for sporting and working dogs, is drawing attention to canine exertional heat related illness (HRI) through an extensive, multimedia educational campaign. 

Dogs can suffer from one of two types of HRI. Non-exertional HRI has received frequent media attention and can occur when dogs are left in hot, confined spaces like cars. The less familiar exertional HRI can happen when a dog’s activities generate excessive physiological heat and their body is unable to adequately cool itself. Hot, humid summer conditions make cooling down even more difficult. The signs of HRI are defined in three progressive phases: heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. HRI can result in serious injury, if not death. 

From trail running and hiking to agility and fly ball, there are so many outdoor summer activities that owners enjoy with their canine companions. As a result, safeguarding active dogs from exertional HRI is important. Eukanuba’s™ educational platform is designed to help owners recognize the signs of exertional HRI and to provide tips for enjoying outside activities responsibly.


Russ Kelley, the Scientific Services Nutritionist at Eukanuba’s™ Pet Health and Nutrition Center, says, “Eukanuba™ is dedicated to helping every canine athlete perform at their genetic potential, which can only be achieved with proper training and optimal nutrition. We are committed to working with owners, researchers, and medical professionals to continually learn and develop educational platforms to share canine health and performance information. We want every adventure with your dog to be enjoyable and safe, especially in the warmer months where heat and humidity present a health challenge.”

HRI is significant enough to have a day that calls attention to the illness for both people and their pets. The last Friday in May is National Heat Awareness Day, and this year it falls on May 28,2021 which serves as the kickoff of Eukanuba’s™ exertional HRI educational campaign. To learn more about exertional HRI, visit  

For more than 50 years, Eukanuba™ has created premium nutrition that helps unlock the power and potential within dogs — from the unstoppable performance of sporting dogs to the life-saving abilities of working dogs, to the incredible companionship of service animals and family pets. Eukanuba™ formulas contain high-quality animal protein to help build and maintain lean muscle, DHA for healthy brain function, and vital nutrients to fuel a dog’s body, mind and energy. Eukanuba™ offers a range of formulas, each scientifically formulated for dogs with different activity levels, ages and sizes. Learn more at or at



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