At $725, CZ’s Bobwhite G2 is a Classic Double Gun for Everyone

Is there such a thing as the perfect upland gun? Is it even possible to answer that question without first defining the quarry, location, and method of hunting?

Hunters, in general, and shotgunners, in particular, are a peculiar lot. The variances in likes and dislikes are legion. The pheasant hunter ambling through corn stubble will often choose a 12-gauge over/under for his hunt. While the chucker hunter in Oregon will often go for a 20 gauge due to the lighter weight and commensurate improvement in performance. 

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Final Preseason Training Tips from the Pros

It won’t be long before field training, conditioning and obedience work give way to the true satisfaction of being back in the woods and fields enjoying the hunt with our canine companions. Here are a few final steps that some Eukanuba™ pro trainers take to get their dogs ready for the season opener.

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