Preseason Training Tips from the Pros – Part 2

Preseason training is a process, and we’re getting close to Opening Day. Here are some tips from Eukanuba™ Pro Trainers to get your dogs prepped for kickoff. It won’t be long before we’re all back in the woods and on the water where we belong.

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Delta Waterfowl Forecasts a Reduced Fall Duck Flight

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — Delta Waterfowl forecasts that poor breeding conditions in the prairie pothole region will result in a smaller fall flight than waterfowl hunters have experienced for many seasons. The Duck Hunters Organization expects that while blue-winged teal, green-winged teal and gadwalls had average to below-average production, other key species fared worse, including mallards and, even more so, pintails, wigeon and canvasbacks.

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