The following forecast is based on spring and summer upland game population surveys, including the Rural Mail Carrier and the Northern Bobwhite Whistle Count surveys. Nebraska biologists also provided input on regional weather events and habitat trends that could have affected populations. The summaries and field reports below reflect the best available information on bird numbers, weather conditions and habitat trends among that state’s regions, but should not be used to predict hunting conditions or local population densities at any single location within a region. Preseason scouting is encouraged to increase hunter success.
Dove Hunting with a Department Store Shotgun
Standing in between the edge rows in a field of standing corn, I loosely grasped the wooden forend of the mid-1970s-era shotgun. The shotgun felt strange in my hands. Unorthodox. Yet, the connection had been in the making for over 40 years. The same amount of time had passed for the slightly tight-fitting “brown duck” (think Carhartt) colored game vest I had donned that morning. Yellow shells sat loosely in the outstretched dark brown shell holders on the vest. Was I grasping at memories?
Tall Timbers Gun Volume III
The Wingshooting Schools of England: Part 5, Atkin Grant & Lang Shooting Ground
Let’s say it’s a crisp and bright Saturday morning and you slip on your favorite pair of old jeans and make that first cup of coffee, when a feeling of comfort and well-being washes over you. That’s the feeling of stepping into the Atkin Grant & Lang Shooting Ground.