Delta Waterfowl’s ‘Working Wetlands’ Makes Conservation History as Enrollments Open

[caption id="attachment_4231" align="alignnone" width=""]Using Delta’s successful Working Wetlands Program as a blueprint, the NRCS has launched the Prairie Pothole Water Quality and Wildlife Program[/caption]

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — Delta Waterfowl’s Working Wetlands — an innovative, incentive-based wetland conservation program with the potential to support the breeding efforts of 1.8 million ducks — opens enrollment this week as the Prairie Pothole Water Quality and Wildlife Program in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Montana. The rollout, administered by the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, results from Delta’s successful inclusion of Working Wetlands language in the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill.

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The Wingshooting Schools of England, Part 2: West London Shooting School

We climbed the narrow staircase from the bustling reception area of the West London Shooting School to the Stanbury Restaurant, where Kevin Phillips is at a table waiting for us.

It’s apparent that the waitress knows Mr. Phillips quite well. As Owner and Director of Sportarm, named the Best UK Gun Room for an unprecedented six times at the Shooting Industry Awards, he’s been working late into the night on the finishing touches of his third Sportarm in the adjacent old brick store. Christmas is 27 days away.

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Shrouded in Mystery, The Only 16-Gauge Dickson Round Action Over-Under Finally Becomes Available

After 20 years as U.S. Operations Manager with Holland & Holland, David Cruz has amassed more knowledge, wisdom and gut feel about fine shotguns than most of us. But he recently came across a shotgun that has mystified him – a uniquely engraved, one-of-a-kind, 16-gauge, round action over-under from the legendary Scottish gunmaker, John Dickson & Son.

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