The Old Duck Hunter

Rather than hunt alone, the Old Duck Hunter said he needed “a good pair of eyes” to share his blind on this cold December day.

Almost as if by feel, he maneuvered the ancient, battered aluminum boat through dark winding channels. His mind’s eye remembered these familiar twists, snags and channels after 70 years of running this backwater. These eyes dodged trees that weren’t even growing when he hunted this swamp as a child. Ahead, something lifted from the water with whistling squeals.

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The Traveling Wingshooter – November 2016

We all know that it can be pretty scary to book an international hunting trip. The big questions hunters ask themselves center around trust, enjoyment and performance of the outfitter you’re thinking about booking. After all, it’s not only the money involved but often a dream come true, the anticipation of memories created by hunting with loved ones or your buddies, or as some folks like to say checking off another item on your “bucket list.”

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