Lanier Shooting Sports Lifestyles – August 2014

In the last few months, I have had the pleasure of actually getting out and shooting some myself and in the process, have loved seeing so many more women out on the clay courses. I am also thrilled to see the growth of women interested in, and pursuing, wing shooting! Truly a passion of mine and there is nothing like being outdoors, with good friends or family, a shotgun and hopefully a great dog or two….Right?

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Shooting the New Beretta 690 Field III Over/Under

Once the press conference is over in Tuscany, Italy and the pretty girl has held up the shotgun while everyone clamors around with a camera, there’s a much more defining moment. It’s the moment when the gun is in your hands, and the arm of the trap is cocked and loaded with the first clay you’ll shoot with it.

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It’s Summer….Let’s Shoot Some Clays

Just recently I was looking through some of my favorite recipes for preparing fresh summer vegetables. I came across one for okra gumbo that my grandmother used to make. I must have been an extraordinarily weird kid to have liked okra. Still do, because Grandma’s recipe for gumbo was always made with garden fresh okra. “Delicious” really was an appropriate description.

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Lanier Shooting Sports Lifestyles – July 2014

We love seeing pictures like the first ones below because they exemplify how shooting shotguns parlays into your everyday life. When you are passionate about something it shows, right? Here at Lanier Shooting Sports we are all about being lighthearted, fun, (albeit safe) about your shooting passions. In fact, we like it so much we would like you to send us similar photos of how shotguns are a part of your life and if we use your photos, we will send you a Lanier Shooting Sports hat with our logo! Submit your stories and photos to

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