The Touch-and-Go System for Shooting Sporting Clays

The idea of Touch-and-Go actually has its roots in aviation. New pilots use it to learn how to land and take off again. You come down for a landing, touch the runway with your wheels, and then push the throttle forward to take off again.

What does Touch-and-Go have to do with consistently breaking targets in sporting clays? It has to do with how you approach the target, touch it, and then pull ahead for the proper forward allowance — or lead as most people call it.

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Lanier Shooting Sports Lifestyles

This is a new column dedicated to recreational shotgun pursuits in both the clay target disciplines and the feathered kind. From the first moment I ever pulled the trigger of a shotgun, I loved it. I had to really work at it but I enjoyed it so much I was willing to do so. The more I shot, the more I wanted to learn. I took lessons from a variety of instructors and, over time, my skills evolved as did my passion for just about everything involving shotguns.

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The One True Way to Shoot a Shotgun

Oooooh, I can feel it already: You read that headline and you wanted to punch me.

That or you’re still reading this story because you’re a terrible shot, desperate for anything that might make you better.

If it’s the latter, go get your gun fitted. Then practice, practice, practice.

If it’s the former … well, good instinct!

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